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The Day Abuelo Got Lost:
Memory Loss of a Loved Grandfather
Written by Diane De Anda
Published by Albert Whitman & Company
Released on September 1, 2019
ISBN: 9780807514924
Published by Albert Whitman & Company
Released on September 1, 2019
ISBN: 9780807514924
A touching story about a boy and his grandfather who enjoy a special relationship—until Abuelo starts to lose his memory. Instead of building model planes and cooking together, Luis and his father have to search the neighborhood for Abuelo, and Luis and Abuelo have to find new activities to enjoy together.
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Praise for The Day Abuelo Got Lost
"Family love in the face of loss is poignantly shared by de Anda and Harris. Luis, Mama, Papi, their dog, Sancho, and beloved Abuelo are one tight familia. What afflicts Abuelo is never explicitly identified as the story unfolds, tenderly told in simple first person from Luis' innocent and loving perspective as he slowly confronts new symptoms of his grandfather's progressive dementia. His mother gives Luis sage advice that even though Abuelo’ s memory is slipping he will always feel Luis' love... a touching and well-told story of the heartbreak of memory loss through the lens of family-oriented Latino culture. A lovely and needed story of familia in which love conquers loss."
- Kirkus Reviews
2020 Most Inspirational Children's Book, International Latino Book Award - Honorable Mention
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